Specializing in Translation, Interpretation, and Cultural Consulting Services
We understand the need for expedient and culturally appropriate translation and interpretation services.
Laguardia Translations is here to assist you in communicating with limited English communities in times of crisis. Here are some helpful recommendations:
Use available data to determine the list of languages that will require in-language support.
Write in plain language so that translations are accessible to non-English communities.
Translate content on public websites, printed outreach materials, and other communications.
Assign a staff member to convey updates to ethnic media, preferably a member of the same culture.
Do not assign bilingual staff to complete translations as there is no assurance they can perform the task accurately and this can lead to grave miscommunications.
Designate a language access team lead to help your organization coordinate project needs with a translation company representative.
The Laguardia Translations Team
IEP, SST, ELAC, DELAC, PTA, Board Meetings
General, ambulatory, radiology, QMEs, IMEs, PQMEs, follow-ups
Events, seminars, conferences, trainings, guest speakers
Depositions, discovery, hearings, trials
Training in areas of cultural competence, interpretation in school settings, and more
Brochures, manuals, websites, letters, birth certificates, marriage certificates
Cultural Consulting
Interpreter Training
Interpreting Equipment Rental
Laguardia Translations is founded on the principle that all individuals, regardless of limited English proficiency (LEP), should be treated with the utmost dignity and respect. Our language access services allow LEPs to be fully active participants in society. We are strongly committed to providing quality translation and interpretation services that faithfully transmit the intent and maintain the tone of the message, all while remaining neutral and adhering to the highest standards of practice in the industry.
Our Vision: To connect people through meaningful communication.

Laguardia Translations is a Sacramento, woman-owned Language Service Provider (LSP) with almost two decades in the language access industry. We specialize in translation, interpretation, cultural consulting, and interpreting equipment rental.
Our expertise allows us to match client's needs to professionals that match those needs. We contract with California's most exceptional professional translators and interpreters. We use experienced, certified, and qualified interpreters. Laguardia Translations is not like most agencies, we proudly support the local economy. We first and foremost hire linguists in our city, state, and nation before ever seeking experts abroad.
We have well-established relationships with other culture and language subject matter experts with whom we partner to develop professional development sessions. Laguardia Translations is here to help you learn about equity in language access, cultural sensitivity, and bilingual staff training.

Call 916.778.0509
For translation requests:
Submit files you need translated, language/s, budget, and timeline.
To request a quote of interpretation services:
Submit event details such as date, time, location, event type, number of attendees, language/s, and any relevant details.
You can email us directly at info@laguardiatranslations.com or call 916.778.0509.
For any general inquiries, please fill in the contact form below.